
A list of resources that shape my thinking and perspectives on health & wellness

General Health & Well Being

Institute for Functional Medicine
The Functional Medicine model is an individualized, patient-centered, science-based approach that empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease and promote optimal wellness. It requires a detailed understanding of each patient’s genetic, biochemical, and lifestyle factors and leverages that data to direct personalized treatment plans that lead to improved patient outcomes.

By addressing root cause, rather than symptoms, practitioners become oriented to identifying the complexity of disease. They may find one condition has many different causes and, likewise, one cause may result in many different conditions. As a result, Functional Medicine treatment targets the specific manifestations of disease in each individual.

Weston A. Price Foundation

The Weston A. Price Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt charity founded in 1999 to disseminate the research of nutrition pioneer Dr. Weston Price, whose studies of isolated non-industrialized peoples established the parameters of human health and determined the optimum characteristics of human diets. Dr Price’s research demonstrated that humans achieve perfect physical form and perfect health generation after generation only when they consume nutrient-dense whole foods and the vital fat-soluble activators found exclusively in animal fats.

The Foundation is dedicated to restoring nutrient-dense foods to the human diet through education, research and activism. It supports a number of movements that contribute to this objective including accurate nutrition instruction, organic and biodynamic farming, pasture-feeding of livestock, community-supported farms, honest and informative labelling, prepared parenting and nurturing therapies. Specific goals include establishment of universal access to clean, certified raw milk and a ban on the use of soy formula for infants. began in 2008 with the vision of founder, Sayer Ji, to provide a resource where consumers and health care professionals could access evidence-based, clinical data without the complexity of searching and navigating multiple health institutions.

Today is the world’s most widely referenced, evidence-based natural medical resource, averaging one million visits per month, over 300,000 subscribers to its popular daily newsletter, and a social media reach of millions of additional fans. The platform is ad-free, demonstrating a commitment to eliminating conflicts of interest whenever possible. As a 100% user supported platform, donations and memberships keep the project growing.

The database contains about 50,000 abstracts and articles and provides eNewsletters, articles, eBooks, eCourses and webinars to increase consumer education.

The Center for Mind-Body Medicine

James S. Gordon, MD, a Harvard-educated psychiatrist, is founder and executive director of the non-profit Center for Mind-Body Medicine (CMBM) in Washington, D.C.

Mind-body medicine is based on the scientific understanding of the inextricable connection among our thoughts, sensations and feelings, and our mind, body, and spirit – between ourselves and the social and natural world in which we live. CMBM’s approach to wellness is grounded in practical, evidence-based skills for self-care, nutrition, self-awareness, and group support.

Mind-body skills (such as meditation, biofeedback, guided imagery, and self-expression in drawings, words, and pictures) are scientifically validated to reduce stress and restore physical and psychological health. The mind-body approach heals individual trauma and builds community-wide resilience.

Orthomolecular Medicine

Orthomolecular is a term that comes from ortho, which is Greek for “correct” or “right,” and “molecule,” which is the simplest structure that displays the characteristics of a compound. So it literally means the “right molecule.”

Orthomolecular medicine describes the practice of preventing and treating disease by providing the body with optimal amounts of substances which are natural to the body.

Environmental Working Group

The Environmental Working Group’s mission is to empower people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment. With breakthrough research and education, they drive consumer choice and civic action

Do you know what’s in your tap water? What about your shampoo? What’s lurking in the cleaners underneath your sink? What pesticides are on your food? How about the farms, fracking wells and factories in your local area? Do you know what safeguards they use to protect your water, soil, air and your kids? Which large agribusinesses get your tax dollars and why?  What are GMOs? What do they do to our land and water?

More than two decades ago EWG set out to answer these questions, and more, and to empower you to get to know your environment and protect your health.

EWG’s ground breaking research has changed the debate over environmental health. Through their reports, online databases, mobile apps and communications campaigns, EWG is educating and empowering consumers to make safer and more informed decisions about the products they buy and the companies they support. In response to consumer pressure, companies are giving up potentially dangerous chemical ingredients in their products and improving their practices.

Brain Health & Mental Well Being

Dr David Perlmutter

Dr Perlmutter is a Board-Certified Neurologist and five-time New York Times bestselling author.

His books have been published in 36 languages and include the #1 New York Times bestseller Grain Brain, The Surprising Truth About Wheat, Carbs and Sugar, with over 1 million copies in print. Other New York Times bestsellers include Brain Maker, The Grain Brain Cookbook, The Grain Brain Whole Life Plan, and Brain Wash, co-written with Austin Perlmutter, M.D. He is the editor of The Microbiome and the Brain authored by top experts in the field and published in December 2019 by CRC Press.

Dr Daniel Amen

Dr Amen is one of America’s leading psychiatrists and brain health experts. He has authored or co-authored 70 professional articles and more than 30 books, including New York Times mega-bestseller Change Your Brain, Change Your Life. He has appeared on numerous television shows including Dr Phil, Larry King, Dr Oz, The Doctors, and The View.

Food for the Brain

At Food for the Brain they wish to raise awareness of the importance of optimum nutrition in mental health. They are a charitable foundation working to inform organisations and empower individuals to change their diet and lifestyle and take greater control of their own mental health.

Their missions are:
(1) to create a future where the importance of nutrition in optimising mental wellbeing and brain health, as a means of both prevention and treatment, is understood by all and implemented by many, and;
(2) to educate and provide important information to children, parents, teachers, schools, universities, the public, health professionals, food service operators, caterers and the government, thereby promoting mental wellbeing and brain health through optimum nutrition.

Children’s Health

Nourishing Our Children

A non-profit, educational initiative of the Weston A. Price Foundation established to address the dramatic deterioration in the health of our children.

Nourishing Children emphasizes on real food, traditionally prepared. They recommend animal products produced from animals eating their natural diet, grass on pasture, and seafood wild at sea.

Lots of great resources to get started with raising healthy children.

Herbal Remedies

Herbs with Rosalee

An in-depth and easy to understand information about herbs, delicious and inspiring recipes, and lots of beautiful photos of plants!

Learning Herbs

The go-to place to learn about herbs, their medicinal values and more.  Lots of “how to make” recipes for you to try on for making essential oils, food, personal care products using herbs of course.

The Grow Network

The Grow Network’s founder, Marjory Wild craft is featured in “Who’s Who in America” for her work in building deep community resilience, restoring heirloom genetics in gardens and livestock, and the return to natural medicine across the Nation.

National Geographic featured Marjory as an expert in sustainable living, and she has hosted Mother Earth New’s online “Homesteading Summit”.   Marjory also hosts the annual Home Grown Food Summit, which reaches hundreds of thousands of viewers every year.

Abundant Wellness Community