Living Life to Your Fullest Potential

Welcome to Abundant Wellness Community!

Our mission is to promote holistic health and wellness through a whole person approach which encompasses consuming clean nutrient-dense whole foods, loving self and others, and taking care of our environment. Our aim is to empower individuals with the knowledge and tools to take charge of their own health, so that they can begin to live life to the fullest potential. Our approach is to gather like-minded holistic health and wellness seekers to learn, share and support each other in our journey of wellness, and to build a community focused on holistic healthy living and caring of our environment for our generation and beyond.

Nutrition & Wellness Coaching Programmes (HOPE)

Join our HOPE coaching programmes if:

  • You have some health challenges and looking to get well and stay well holistically.
  • You are generally healthy but feel lethargy and fatigue more often than you like.
  • You want to remain mentally sharp and feel good as you move to your “senior” years.
  • You have digestive issues which do not seem to go away even after trying many different types of medication and health supplements.
  • You are committed to learn, discern and are ready to make changes in your diet and lifestyle for lasting improvement on your health and well-being.

No matter what stage of health you are in right now, there is tremendous HOPE that you can feel better once you begin to make changes in your daily habits. Our body is so wonderfully created. There is an innate healing mechanism in us that is working for our good all the time, if we know how to take care of it.

Be Part of Our Wellness Community

Most people face 3 key challenges when trying to eat well and stay healthy:

#1 conflicting advice

#2 resistance to changing old habits

#3 feeling of being isolated and alone in the pursuit of wellness

Our aim is to connect you with a community of like-minded holistic health seekers to learn, share and support each other to make a positive impact on our health and our environment.

What we offer:

  • Regular online newsletter on vital health topics based on trustworthy science-backed research/data; and recipes designed to help put your health into action for sustainable results.
  • Workshops on making fermented food and beverages.
  • Invitations to wellness events & talks held at community clubs, corporate or education establishments as speakers / facilitators.
  • Learn, share and support each other through our private social media platform.

Meet Peggy Yeung

M.Sc. Holistic Nutrition
Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition®
National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach
Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach

Peggy is a Nutritionist as well as a Health & Wellness Coach specializing in digestive issues, brain-gut-microbiome connection and other chronic health challenges.

Her background in Holistic Nutrition and years of practising living holistically has helped her recover from a chronic inflammatory eye condition and to feel her best self in many years.

Through her many years in the corporate world, Peggy understands what it takes to balance living well, having a career and raising a family at the same time.

Contact Us

Abundant Wellness Community